Biden’s style was that of the politician and Sanders was the visionary

During the 11th Democratic presidential debate, former US Vice President Joe Biden’s style was that of the politician and Senator Bernie Sanders was the visionary, according to Myles Hoenig, an American political analyst and activist.

Hoenig, a former Green Party candidate for Congress, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Monday following the heated Democratic presidential on Sunday night.

“Last night we saw how each of the two leading candidates would fare against Trump’s positions,” Hoenig said.

“Unfortunately, the DNC prevented the only real anti-war candidate from appearing, Tulsi Gabbard, and perhaps a reason why foreign policy and America’s wars were not included in the questions. Both sides clearly buttressed the support from their supporters,” he added.

“The question is who wins over the undecideds and brings out their people to vote. Their styles were clear from the beginning. Biden’s was that of the politician. Sanders was the visionary. Is it time for politics as usual with a few twists, or is it time for a political and economic revolution, as Sanders defines it?” he asked.

“Biden showed how his positions have changed over the years, but namely during election time,” he said.

“He voted for the war in Iraq, helped the banks with bailouts and bankruptcies, the fossil fuel industry, and the health insurance industry and supported cuts in major entitlements like Social Security and Medicare. Now he shows signs of turning away from these positions, but even now, not entirely, and for some, only marginally,” the analyst said.

“Sanders has always been consistent and voted his conscience based on the reality of the situation, even when it was not a popular vote. He was especially successful in pointing out how Biden has been on the wrong side of legislation, often with a majority which can often be wrong. Sanders did not show how Biden was actually a leader in these bills that later proved to be disastrous but did present to the public his complicity. But most memorably, twice Sanders baited Biden into lying about his role in wanting to cut Social Security. Already Newsweek is showing the video of Biden advocating such cuts, but the mainstream media sides with Biden and this is unlikely to be prominent in their coverage,” he pointed out.

“What unfolds after this is incredibly uncertain. Surely, the DNC and the media will continue to do all it can to derail the Sanders campaign. And without the opportunity of rallies, the tone of the campaigns will change. Will the media treat each of them equally and fairly should not even be in doubt, but it is. At the moment, the media is the primary manner in which these two, and unfortunately not three, candidates can get their messages across and invigorate their supporters to go to the polls, or even mail in their ballots if the states switch to that method. So much is unknown about how this election process will be conducted,” he concluded

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